Reilu tulevaisuus

Ehdokkuuteni tavoitteena on reilumpi ja kestävämpi Lahti.

Yhteisön kehittäminen

Työskentelen aktiivisesti paikallisten yhdistysten hyväksi.

An instructional sheet is prominently displayed, explaining how to properly mark a ballot by filling in the oval completely with a provided special pen or pencil. Below the instructions, there is a ballot placed on a voting booth along with a red informational pamphlet concerning voter information.
An instructional sheet is prominently displayed, explaining how to properly mark a ballot by filling in the oval completely with a provided special pen or pencil. Below the instructions, there is a ballot placed on a voting booth along with a red informational pamphlet concerning voter information.
A municipal officer is standing on a road with hands on hips, facing a 'route barrée' (road closed) sign. The environment includes a residential area with trees and houses nearby. In the background, several people are seen, some with bicycles.
A municipal officer is standing on a road with hands on hips, facing a 'route barrée' (road closed) sign. The environment includes a residential area with trees and houses nearby. In the background, several people are seen, some with bicycles.